Some Mind-blowing Facts About Hollywood movies

Some Mind-blowing Facts About Hollywood movies

As we know very well many popular movies but their some facts are unknown. Here are some mind-blowing facts about Hollywood movies :-

(1) Jemmy Renner was trained by the Olympic archers for his role as the agent Clint Barton in the movie "The Avengers".

(2) 'The Dark Knight' was the first Batman movie not to have "Batman" in its title

(3) 'The Schindiler's List' is the most expensive Black and White film made till date. The budget of the movie was around 22 million dollar

(4) In 'Iron Man' (2008), as Tony Stark is removing his suit you'll notice a workbench in the left-hand side of the frame upon which lies what appears to be a prototype version of Captain America's shield!

(5) This is why 'The Dark Knight' was pure genius and defines modern day classism. In the movie where Joker asks Harvey Dent to kill him or join his rank, he actually places his finger such that even if Dent had pulled the trigger hammer would not work. Dent never had any option other than joining his rank. This shows the brilliance of joker who once said during the movie "Do I really look like a guy with a plan?"

(6) The 80s action movie 'Die Hard' was actually originated from the failed script of 'Commando 2'.

(7)In this scene at restaurant in the movie 'The Dark Knight', the man on the right is Heath Ledger.

(8) Shirley Henderson, the girl who played Moaning Myrtle (the ghost in the bathroom) was actually 37 years old when she played the character in the Harry Potter series.

(9) Casino Royale' was the first ever Bond Movie to be approved of Chinese censors. Also in one of the car roll scenes 3 "Aston Martin DBS" cars of $3,000,000 were destroyed.

(10) In 'Terminator 2', Arnold Schwarzenegger only spoke about 700 words and for that he was paid $15 Million. So the iconic dialogue "Hasta La Vista Baby" cost around $85,000

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